Info in a Nutshell

Our structure

EUCONTACT AT HOME IN EUROPE LTD., shortly EUCONTACT, is a not-for-profit social and educational company, with its headquarters in Cork/Ireland and various project-related liaison offices in Europe. The offices in the Single European Market operate throughout the duration of the corresponding, ongoing cross-national EU projects.

Very often, our clients call us “EUROCONTACT, due to our activity scope related to EU GRANTS acquisition, more exactly development and implementation of international projects, funded by the EUROPEAN UNION. Of course, we don´t mind!

We are Insiders, Trainers and Consultants on EU Funding Programmes, promoting Authorship at the Level of Applicant Organisations

We are familiarized with the EU “from within”, understanding and monitoring the European policy developments, relevant for a successful EU GRANT acquisition. We convey our experience as Trainers and Consultants on EU Funding Programmes, promoting the authorship of proposals at the level of the Applicant Organisation.

We are indeed, at home in Europe and we are, what we do: international, European, creative, innovative, sustainable, strong both in the conceptional, as well as in the implementation part.

We are the Project Partner, Supporting the EU-Grant Officer in an Applicant Institution

We are the Project Partner, supporting the EU-Grant Officer in an applicant institution, offering the possibility of long-term cooperations.

We also contribute to developing the CAPACITY BUILDING of a European Consortium, we are Partner in, with regards to management and coordinating tasks while implementing EU-granted projects.

We are immersed into the European Educational Area and European Labour Market – In Short

Our interdisciplinarity and creativity shines through our eclectic mix of areas we practically operate in and through the aspects we promote in our cross-national, European projects, such as:

  • ICT – AI, Manufacturing and Machining, Health, Hospitality and Catering, Energy Efficiency in Construction, Sustainability,
  • Integration of sector-specific foreign language courses into the IVT area across Europe;
  • We promote the EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL AREA by developing cross-national vocational qualification contents, relevant for the labour market in Europe;
  • We promote the EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKET by boosting the employability of young people from structurally weakly-developed EU regions, facilitating their transition from the “world of education” to the “world of work” at European level;
  • We promote the cross-national mobility of young people in initial vocational qualification/IVT in weakly-developed European regions, helping them undertake work-based learning / WBL in Companies/Public institutions, based in well-developed European regions;
  • We provide EUROPEAN solutions to NATIONAL problems, such as reducing the skills shortage in well-developed EU-regions, lacking skilled Young Talent on grounds of demographic change and due to other mismatches in their respective labour market;

Detailed Info

  • We are familiarized with the EU “from within”. The sense of “belonging to the same Club”, knowing the EU “from within”, is important for the ability to understand and monitor European policy developments, impacting both the acquisition of EU FUNDS and the implementation of such funded projects. Before joining EUCONTACT, the members of our team worked both with EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS and institutions with European activity scope, thus having longtime, comprehensive, hands-on insights into the EUROPEAN FUNDING PROGRAMMES and a history of successful participation in bids and tendering procedures.
  • We specialize in providing Training on EU Funding Programmes, to target groups such as:

a) Teaching staff in the Vocational and Education Training area (VET Teachers);

b) Staff from Energy Agencies;

c) Staff from Minority and Cultural Institutions from different European countries.

  • The Training and Consulting on EU Funding Programmes we provide, also when we are involved as Partner in a Consortium bidding for EU Funding, aim at developing Capacity Building within the Applicant Hence we empower the Applicant institution to develop HR competences related to the development of a Project Application to access EU Funds, as well as HR competences, related to management and coordination tasks in the phase of implementing a EU-Funded Bid/Project.
  • In the above-mentioned context, we promote Authorship of Proposals/Bids at the level of Applicant Organisation. – see Section What We Do for more details.

We are the Project Partner, supporting the EU-Grant Officer of the Applicant  

  • We are the Project Partner, supporting the EU-Grant Officer in an Applicant institution, offering the possibility of long-term.
  • We also contribute to developing the CAPACITY BUILDING of a Consortium we are Partner in, with regards to management and coordinating tasks while implementing EU-granted projects.
  • In the event of our institution being the Applicant Organisation and NOT a Project Partner, we are keen to showcase our experience and competences, to walk the talk by taking on the role of the Consortium Lead in the implementation phase of a EU-funded bid.
  • We crack it! We have the Specific Mental Setting to bring projects to an end under conditions of uncertainty, ambiguity and unforeseeable changes, proved also during the recent Corona pandemic and subsequent period, marked by inflation due to the energy crisis, emerging post Russian invasion in the Ukraine, turning EU funded budgets upside-down in the implementation phase: we walked the talk and finalized the projects we had started!

We are, indeed, at home in Europe!

  • We are international, not only work internationally: as our members of staff originate from various EU countries, we have a good command, not only of our clients´ and project partners´ language, but we are also aware of their country-specific mentality, DOs and DON´Ts and the history of their countries, from an European outlook.
  • The European, geographical scope of our activity with regards to Training and Consulting on EU-GRANTS´ acquisition and implementation of EU-granted projects, as well as our involvement as Partners in a European Consortium, currently covers the following countries: Ireland (ROI), Denmark, Sweden, Romania, Hungary., Slovakia, Croatia. Future prospective activities shall include: Norway (EFTA), The West Balkans and Ukraine, as applicant countries for EU membership.

Specific Mental Setting

The mental setting can be a “make-or-break” factor for the success of EU FUNDS´ acquisition and, in most of the cases, it is missed out by institutions when searching for Staff to employ or Partners in conjunction with EU bid development and implementation.

The most relevant 2 features in this respect are:

  • professional handling of short-term changes, unforeseeable situations – recently tested out, being among the few institutions in Europe, able to complete our cross-national projects under the lockdown restrictions of the Corona pandemic and inflation due to the energy crisis, turning EU funded budgets upside-down in the implementation phase;
  • stress-proof and the ability of preserving calmness and a problem-solving attitude in times of distress.


We convey these aspects, features of our own team, throughout our Training and Consulting activities we provide, but also when being involved as Partner in a EU-funded project.


How we promote Innovation in the European Educational Area

Our interdisciplinarity and creativity shines through our eclectic mix of areas we practically operate in and through the aspects we promote in our cross-national, European projects, such as:

  • ICT – AI, Manufacturing and Machining, Health, Hospitality and Catering, Energy Efficiency in Construction, Sustainability,
  • Cross-national Young Talent and Skilled Workers´ Mobility in Europe, from research to practical projects;
  • Cooperations between various educational stakeholders at European level, such as Universities, VET Colleges, Research Centers, Companies and Public Institutions across Europe;
  • Integration of sector-specific foreign language courses into the IVT area across Europe;
  • We play a part in implementing Europe´s cohesion goals, specializing in piloting, with and without EU Funding Programmes, innovative strategies and concepts, fostering the employability of young people from structurally underdeveloped EU-regions, against the background of unemployment and poverty of these European regions;
  • Promote the European Educational Area by developing and implementing cross-national co-operations and educational projects between VET Colleges, based in structurally weak EU-regions and Companies/Public Institutions in structurally strong EU-regions;
  • Promote the European Labour market by boosting the employability of young people from structurally weakly-developed EU regions by facilitating the transition from the “world of education” to the “world of work” at European level;
  • Promote the cross-national mobility of young people in Initial Vocational Education and Training/IVT and Further Education and Training, originating from weakly-developed European regions, helping them undertake work-based learning / WBL in Companies/Public Institutions, based in well-developed European regions;
  • Provide European solutions to national problems, such as reducing the skills shortage in well-developed EU-regions, lacking qualified young talent on grounds of demographic change and other mismatches in their respective labour market.


EU-FUNDING-BIDS is a project line by EUCONTACT.


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Website created by Proweb.digital.
Illustrations created by D.Valcarcel